The Really Good Wills 5-Step Process

Really Good Wills has a unique process that ensures you get a fully signed and notarized will (and related documents), reviewed by an attorney, all from the comfort of home. We also provide comprehensive education to ensure you understand the purpose and contents of every document you receive.

1 – Fill out our online intake form

You be asked a series of questions that will establish whether or not this is the right estate planning product for you. If so, then you’ll be directed to fill out information regarding yourself, your spouse (if you have one), your children (if any) and who you’d like to make decisions for you, both financial and medical, should you be unable to or after your death. You’ll also indicate who you’d like to inherit from your estate.

2 – Talk to a legal assistant over Zoom

Once the intake flow is complete, you’ll schedule a Zoom meeting with a legal assistant. This appointment should take about 30 minutes, and in it the legal assistant will:
  1. Ask a few questions based on how you’ve answered the intake questions
  2. Answer any questions you may have
  3. Collect payment from you
  4. Help you sign an engagement letter for services
  5. Schedule your next appointment with the attorney

3 – Review the documents

1 - 3 Business days following the appointment with the legal assistant, you’ll receive the drafts of your estate documents to review. In addition, there will be 4-5 short videos that you’ll watch as a guide to reviewing your documents. Completing this review will prepare you for the appointment you’ll have with the attorney. Learn more about each document.

4 – Meet with attorney over Zoom

Once you’ve reviewed the documents, you’ll have your virtual Zoom appointment with the attorney where you can ask any outstanding questions you have and where the attorney will also have the chance to ask any remaining questions they may have and identify if there are any changes required for the documents and to set the final signing appointment.

5 – Sign your documents over Zoom

This final appointment is where the documents will be signed and notarized. It should take 30 - 45 minutes and will include you, your spouse (if spouse), a witness provided by us, and a notary provided by us. After the appointment, all documents will be made available to you to download and store.

Is a will right for you?

Answer our quick questionnaire to find out if a will is a good fit for your situation